Natural farming starts with faith that nature is perfect by its own

Farmer will work always more, agricultural products will be used always more.

Only thing that human intelligence can find while making steps towards understanding nature, will be how many other things there are to discover. Human mind will open 1 door, 100 other doors will appear. In each step of the mind the confusion will be more.

Look at the agricultur; it started with small machines and some fertilizer products in order to work less. The point that we have arrived is to use big machines, more agricultural products and these days farmers don’t have even 1 hour to have a nap under a tree while listening the singing birds.
It will be more and more… Each year there will be new machines, more products, more books and more work for farmers.

If a farmer use manure, he has to use water. If a farmer use fertilizers he has to use herbicides and insecticides. This game will never end.

Natural farming starts with faith that nature is perfect by its own.

If you don’t believe that nature is perfect by its own, you will always look for making it better.
A natural farmer deeply sees that nature is perfect and always looks for not-doing or doing one today in order not to do two tomorrow.
The way of natural farmer is to leave day by day the actions to nature itself. There will not be a new book about natural farming, because it is not a way of human mind.

While the soil is awekening day by day a natural farmer will work less. When the soil is awake, there will not be a natural farmer.