For those walking on the way of natural farming

Farmers beginning natural farming practices will encounter some “problems” in the first few years.

-After the first rainy season, grasses will flood everywhere,
-The first products will not have the “expected” development and yield,
-In a few years, insects, fungi, etc. will appear all over the garden. As a result, they will be fed with the food that the farmer spreads his seeds.

The steps above are the situations that people taking this path will encounter in the first 1-2 years. Different situations will arise in the future. Endless movement …
So what should the farmer do in these situations, where should he confirm the way?

Make regular trips to the hills and mountains in your area. Every season.
After the spring rains, go to the forest, see when and what plant germinates, when it is born, grows and dies. What are the life cycles of plants like, when do trees become active, when do plants lose their seeds, what creatures emerge in what time period, what are the life cycles of these creatures, what do these creatures do? Look at fungi, they have a lot to say.
Just observe without comment. Touch the forest floor, dig a little, smell. Look at the trees one by one. Follow climber plants and a bird will sing. Keep your mind quiet and watch. Without commenting, without thinking, without wanting, without effort. Then go back to your farm and start walking there. Again with a quiet mind. All the answers you seek will come to you, without you doing anything.

The local forest in your area is close to where your farm will come at some point. All the answers you seek about natural farming are in the forest, not in books or on the Internet.
Go to the forest regularly at least 3-4 times a season and walk quietly or, if possible, sleep in the forest for a few nights.
The fire of natural farming in your heart will light up the night and your mind.

Note: Bermuda grass is never a problem in the forest. A similar situation will happen on its own on your farm one day.
Note2: The photos are from Fukuoka’ family’s farm.