A natural farm is the living space of all living creatures

We started harvesting the first pods. I took photos of pods and a few living things (visible to the human eye) on them. However, it is easily seen in these frames that all living things can live with a harmony.

Living creatures on the leaves become the energy source of all of today.

Another important issue is not plowing the soil. As soon as you plow the land, you destroy the entire ecosystem. You turn everything upside down. We cannot say that all agriculture types that are made without plowing the soil are natural agriculture but it is a step towards improving the soil. It is the right way.

Building a hobby garden and farming are different things. You cannot really reach any farmer in the world without showing that a natural farming farm can afford you economically. The farmer has to earn money, to support his family and to sustain his life.

A non-monetized farm is not sustainable.
With all due respect, I can tell that ”romantic” friends often ignore this part or reject it consciously, and as a natural consequence of this, these beautiful steps taken to return to nature result in frustration. Moreover, there are modern farmers who ask for 10 TL for 1 kg tomato in the middle of the summer, but it’s best not to mention this at all.

Considering all these facts, we have initiatives to establish a natural agriculture farm from scratch. We will talk about the whole process, the awakening of the soil with seed balls and how a natural farm earns money, and we will experience it in videos. We will take these steps, which can be an example for many people, in front of the world. The first videos will come when concrete developments come to life after the corona days.