Non-poisonous foods are not enough, we need a world without poison!

Every year, the worldwide usage of agricultural poisons increases by %10. We knowingly go towards a huge catastrophe.

Today, we are going to talk about an agricultural product that has the most chemical used production (following corn) and takes place in all areas of our lives: cotton.

%3 of the world’s agricultural lands are used for cotton cultivation, however, almost % 35 of all chemical poisons produced in the world are for cotton production. It’s an incredible fact. Even if we produce all the food without using chemicals, %35 of the chemical poisons still be used for cotton production.

%75 of cotton in the world is produced by only 6 countries. 50,000 tons of chemical poison was used only for cotton production in Turkey in 2016. For every 10 acres, 1 kg of chemical poison was used, which costed approximately $ 150 per 10 acres. We not only poison ourselves and kill our land, but also lead our world to catastrophe. Besides we pay for it. The situation is similar in Greece. Unfortunately, everywhere from Thessaloniki to Edessa is filled with chemical cotton farms.

%45 of cotton manufacturers producing with chemical poisons are getting cancer. Since the fibers of cotton produced with chemicals lose their characteristics, useless and poor quality materials come out. Even after the 10th wash of a textile product you bought, it remains the chemical residue. In short, it is disadvantageous in all aspects. We both eat poisonous foods and wear poisonous clothes.

Of course, behind these big industries, there are dark and very powerful multinational companies, that rule the world. However, it doesn’t matter who they are or how strong they are. The real power and control are in our hands: Not consuming, buying, and playing their game.

It is possible to see in recent news. Oil prices have gone down to minus levels, they don’t know what to do with the oil (I think they will eventually go and pour this oil into an ocean, desert, or elsewhere) and the stock market turned upside down. When people did not (cannot) consume, the entire capitalist world got surrounded by a chaotic atmosphere. They were confused about what to do and tried to overcome this problem by spending millions of money because that’s all they know.

Long story short; the power is in our hands, which is not playing their game: not consuming.

If we want our children and the world to live beautiful days, we must do something right now…