The only way to heal the soil

Just as if a wound should not be touched to heal, the soil should not be touched or plowed in order to heal it either.

At this point, we come across to Fukuoka’s “do nothing” farming which his gift is to the humanity.

The only way to improve the soil and nature is to leave it on its own.

No weeds fighting!

These photos were taken two or three steps beyond the broad bean photos shared yesterday. You see nitrogen binders such as alfalfa, crimson clover, vetch, sainfoin and many other plants of which seeds are strewed. While these plants control weeds, they also enrich the soil day by day.

All these plants are self-seeding and can live in the garden for years. They suppress weeds under fruit trees, while enriching the soil and becoming green manure. Look, we don’t have to fight neither couch grass nor any other weed because nature does everything by itself.

We humans “do nothing”, harvest and sell crops from the farm for 6-7 months, and in the remaining months, we explain natural farming practices in different parts of the world for free, and we afforest by scattering seeds to the world. Of course, I am talking about before the corona.

If you want to improve the soil, do not touch the soil, only scatter seeds.

Note: The elderberry started to bloom its first flowers. It is soon that its smell takes over the whole farm. And we will collect and use it for healing purposes.

Note 2: You can also see the ladybugs enjoying spring on the alfalfas.